Honours Day Presentation
From PeacockWiki
Wiki Accuracy
- Wikipedia founded in 2001 by Jimmy Wales
- "an effort to create and distribute a multilingual free encyclopedia of the highest possible quality to every single person on the planet in their own language."
- 229 languages, 10 larger than britannica (120k articles), 39 with more than 10,000 articles
- 18th most popular web site according to alexa
- refactoring of the failed newpedia project, with asked for academics to contribute content for articles, and had a rigerous review process
- wikipedia opened up editing to the general public!
- changes are made immediately
- slogan "The free encyclopedia that anyone can edit"
- from the outset the project caused some contravercy
- had produced 1 million articles (350 million words) of good (although varying) content
- nature study of 50 articles found wikipedia to have 4 errors/article compared to 3 for britannica
- cleanup and project crews that monitor changes, ensureing all modifications meet a minimum standard.
- large teams of dedicated volunteers, very responsive
- cleanup
- several hundred members
- copyright violations
- vandalism
- Most vandalisation reverted within minutes
- history function allows additions to be tracked, and changes reversed easily.
- expanding short pages
- categorisation
- cleanup