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LyricExtension is an extension for Mediawiki that provides features facilitating the notation of song lyrics in the wiki.



  • Version 0.1
  • Date 18 May 2006
  • Tested on MediaWiki 1.6devel, PHP 5.0.5 (apache2handler)


  • Allows basic lyric notation
  • Optional CSS styling embedded in every page


Once installed, simply surround lyrics with <lyric> tags. No indentation of lyrics is needed.



When the following wikitext is entered into mediawiki

When peace like a river,
Attendeth my way,
When sorrows,
Like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot,
Thou hast taught me to say,
''??It is well,
It is well, with my soul.?''

it appears formatted in html as <lyric> When peace like a river, Attendeth my way, When sorrows, Like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, ??It is well, It is well, with my soul.? </lyric> Feel free to experiment in the SandBox.


See LyricExtension Wrapping Example


Copy and paste the source code into a file named 'lyric.php', and place it in the 'extensions/' directory of your mediawiki installation.

Insert the following line into the end of 'LocalSettings.php' (before the '?>')


To check to see if it is installed properly, visit your Version page, eg Special:Version.

You should see the following items:

The SkinTemplateSetupPageCss:LyricCss hook may be disabled, and if done so, will not appear.

Source Code


# Simple lyric parser extension for mediawiki.
# Written by Trevor Peacock, 18 May 2006
# version 0.1
# Tested on MediaWiki 1.6devel, PHP 5.0.5 (apache2handler)
# developed to support the notation of lyrics in mediawiki.
# see
# Features:
#  * Allows basic lyric notation
#  * Optional CSS styling embedded in every page
# To install, copy this file into "extensions" directory, and add
# the following line to the end of LocalSettings.php
# (above the  ? >  )
#   require("extensions/lyric.php");

# Extension Credits Definition
# This section has no configuration, and can be ignored.

  'name' => 'Lyric Extension',
  'version' => '0.1',
  'url' => '',
  'author' => '[ Trevor Peacock]',
  'description' => 'Adds features allowing easy notation of lyrics in mediawiki' );

# Lyric Render Section
# This section has no configuration, and can be ignored.
# This section renders <lyric> tags. It forces a html break on every line,
# and styles the section with a css id.
# this id can either be in the mediawiki css files, or defined by the extension

#Instruct mediawiki to call LyricExtension to initialise new extension
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "LyricExtension";

#Install extension
function LyricExtension()
  #install hook on the element <lyric>
  global $wgParser;
  $wgParser->setHook("lyric", "renderLyric");

#render <lyric> text
function renderLyric($input, $argv)
  #make new lines in wikitext new lines in html
  $transform=str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r","\n"), "<br/>", trim($input));

  #define css lyric style
  $transform="<div id=\"lyric\">".$transform."</div>";

  #parse embedded wikitext
  global $wgOut;
  return $wgOut->parse($transform, false);

# CSS Styling Section
# This section may require configuration.
# This section adds a css style to all pages to style lyric sections

# If you wish to manually define the style in the css templates,
# add a "#" at the start of this line:
$wgHooks['SkinTemplateSetupPageCss'][] = 'LyricCss';

function LyricCss(&$css) {
  $css = "/*<![CDATA[*/\n".
  "#lyric {\n".
  "	padding: 1em;\n".
  "	border: 1px solid silver;\n".
  "	color: black;\n".
  "	background-color: #ffffcc;\n".
  return true;

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