ITC382 11255412 A1A1
From PeacockWiki
Assignment 1: | Journal | Non-Technical Article | Technical Article | Technical Report | Demo App |
Non-Technical Article
How often do you fill in an online form to subscribe to a website? how often do you see comments or feedback sections after an online article? Why does your company spend so much time and money developing these features, and re-inventing the wheel every time they do?
Well, its probably because your developers are using old, inflexible frameworks such as Struts or ASP.
So what's wrong with Struts and ASP? Every time you design a web form, the developers must write software to link the values you enter into the software for processing. Every time you see a set of results come back, similar software must be written to process the information and present it to you in a web page. Every Time! a piece of software has to be written. Surely this is wasteful? It is. Surely there is a better way? There is.
Tapestry is an open-source framework written by the Apache Foundation, the same organisation that probably wrote your web server. It takes away much of the work done developing linking software for online forms and reports, leaving your developers to focus on the application itself, not the details of "gluing" it to the web page.
Did that say open-source? Yes it did, that means "free". So why aren't you using it? Why are your developers wasting time writing and re-writing software? And why aren't you choosing software that will get your web-site up and running in no time?
Assignment 1: | Journal | Non-Technical Article | Technical Article | Technical Report | Demo App |